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Transforming Wasted Heat into Valuable Energy Everywhere

ORC technology turns a common problem into a powerful solution. Wherever heat escapes - through chimneys, in cooling systems or as a byproduct of industrial processes - ORC systems capture this lost energy. Imagine turning what was once waste into a source of clean, renewable power. From factories to farms, our technology is adaptable, turning every bit of waste heat into a treasure trove of energy, opening up a world of possibilities across diverse sectors.

Possible applications

Biogas Plant Applications
​Capturing heat from CHP unit exhaust gases and engine cooling jackets in biogas plants.


Biomass Utilization

Utilizing heat from biomass combustion to power drying processes and generate electricity.


Industrial Waste Heat Recovery

In industries like metal, glass, and paper manufacturing, converting process-generated waste heat into electricity.


Compressor Heat Recovery

Harnessing waste heat from industrial compressors to improve energy efficiency and generate power.


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